Mission of Sacred Heart School Sun Valley
- We put God first in our lives; we provide opportunities for spiritual growth
- We create holistic activities that make them experience a mind-body connection.
- We promote healthy and happy lifestyles.
- We put God first in our lives; we provide opportunities for spiritual growth
- We create holistic activities that make them experience a mind-body connection.
- We promote healthy and happy lifestyles.
- We provide a rich, conducive & cognitively harmonious learning environment.
- We monitor the academic performance of every student and utilize the results.
- We differentiate instructional activities by recognizing varied learning styles
- We innovate and customize programs and projects that respond to the needs of our students, teachers, and parents
- We conduct regular and continuing school monitoring and evaluation to update and upgrade ourselves.
- We offer programs that meet the needs of our ever-changing learners.
- We are self-directed in our professional development.
- We are a learning organization constantly searching for new ideas, benchmarking best practices, and making adaptations as deemed appropriate.
- We implement a comprehensive human resource development program centered on Employee Competence, Commitment, and Character Formation.